Full Moon in Taurus – Glow

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The full Moon again!  What is the gift we have been waiting for?  Is it more money?  More time to do what we love to do?  Perhaps we have or have been going through a shift in our value system so we have had to dig pretty deep to pull out the weeds.

The Taurus Moon opposite the Sun in Scorpio provides the energy to do just that.  Taurus and Scorpio are fixed signs so we don’t want to budge from where we stand on issues.  We want to feel safe and secure and that means sticking to what is familiar and what has worked in the past.

The Sun is in close proximity with Jupiter and Mercury pushing us to go deep, deeper and still deeper.  Enough emotional processing already!  Enough looking at all my issues and how to resolve them!  It’s like picking at a pimple for too long – right?  It all depends on how you pick the pimple and what tools you use.

How do you balance deep emotional processing and growth with practical needs?   At some point you need to take a break and reward yourself.  Have great sex.  Get a massage.  Take a long walk in nature.  Balance your checkbook (well, that may not be relaxing for some people but if you’ve been having money issues it’s time to get back on track).  Love yourself just a little bit more than you did yesterday.

We’ve all discovered some kind of expansion or growth from what we have discovered about ourselves and we can start implementing these changes in small steps

The Moon will be making an easy aspect with Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn.  Our relationships can provide inspiration and support.  Our intuition is spot on – our imagination fuels the power of our intuition.  When you feel that knowingness flowing through your body you know what you need to do.

Another energy that is in the backdrop here is the grand fire trine – seems this has been going on for some time now – North Node in Leo, Saturn in Sag, and Uranus in Aries.  We understand that there are rules to playing fair with others – that we can adhere to our philosophy and beliefs and still be our lovely selves.  When we do what we love to do we are happier.  When we make choices that are in alignment with our values, we are happier.  When we are more relaxed than polarized with our opinions, we are more peaceful because our minds are not clouded with negative thinking and opposition (unless that’s what you’re going for).

Summary: We are learning how to shine our light in relationships and still adhere to our own principles.  Glow, my friends.  Glow!

Where does this full Moon play out in your life?   Thank about balance between the two and how one area affects the other.

Aries rising – personal resources/possessions balancing out with other people’s resources

Taurus rising – Your emotional needs in relationship with others

Gemini rising –  your unconscious mind patterns and how this affects your health and daily routine

Cancer rising – groups/friendships/organizations vs personal play

Leo rising – career, public and home/family/security

Virgo rising –  your philosophy of life and how you communicate it at home

Libra rising – sharing other people’s resources and your personal resources

Scorpio rising – other people’s emotions, needs and habits vs yours

Sagittarius – daily routine and health and how this affects your unconscious mind

Capricorn – – how you play vs how you play with others

Aquarius –home, family, security needs and the public and career

Pisces –  Communicating your personal philosophies and beliefs with the big picture.

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